What is the current state of malnutrition in North Korea and need for food? How should the international community respond? What measures are in place to make certain that food goes to those in need? Should nutritional assistance come with progress in negotiations or other openings? This fourth and final installment of this summer’s Knowing North Korea series features the head of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in Pyongyang, Claudia von Roehl, who will address the fact and fiction surrounding food aid to North Korea. Von Roehl speaks to the state of need, developments on the ground and efforts to check divergence. On view are North Korean agrarian posters from the collection of Katharina Zellweger, Pantech Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Shorenstein Center for Asia-Pacific Research.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Feeding North Korea: Food Security and Nutritional Assistance
Claudia von Roehl
Country Director, United Nations World Food Program in North Korea
Moderated by Dr. Stephen Noerper
Senior Vice President, The Korea Society
For more information, contact: Nikita Desai or call (212) 759-7525 ext. 355.