The Maekyung Media Group, The Korea Society, and Korea Finance Society are co-hosting the Global Financial Leaders Forum 2021 on October 28th. This year, we will host the event as the 1st Global Money Show, inviting visionaries and Wall Street executives virtually for a robust discussion on investment strategy. Through our annual Global Financial Leaders Forum, we strengthen the network among Korean financial leaders and Wall Street specialists working in New York and Seoul. With the theme “Investment amid COVID 19 Era: Consequences and Portfolio Strategy,” we will have a discussion on the fiscal impact and issues wrought by the pandemic and review investment strategies and news trends to navigate this challenge. The event will be held as an online-offline hybrid format in accordance with the safety regulations and health concerns regarding COVID-19. This invitation-only event will take place in Seoul, South Korea, and the viewing link will be provided only to the invited participants closer to the event.
Global Financial Leaders Forum
1st Global Money Show
Investment amid COVID 19 Era: Consequences and Portfolio Strategy
Hybrid format event
Invitation Only
October 28, 2021 | 7:10 PM - 02:30 AM (+1) EDT
October 29, 2021 | 8:10 AM - 03:30 PM KST
Michael B. Kushma
Chief Investment Officer, Global Fixed Income at Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Michael is chief investment officer of Global Fixed Income. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1987 and has 33 years of investment experience. Previously, Michael was a global fixed income strategist for the firm's Fixed Income division. Prior to joining the firm, he was a senior lecturer of economics at Columbia University. Michael received an A.B. in economics from Princeton University, an M.Sc. in economics from the London School of Economics, and an M.Phil. in economics from Columbia University.
Aaron Anderson
Senior Vice President of Research and a member,
The Investment Policy Committee (IPC) at Fisher Investments
Aaron joined Fisher Investments in 2005 and has served on the firm’s five-member IPC since 2011. His previous roles at the firm include Capital Markets Research Team Leader, Capital Markets Research Analyst and Innovation Manager.
Aaron regularly meets with private and institutional clients globally, sharing the firm’s market outlook, current portfolio positioning and answering questions. Aaron’s views on global market conditions and geopolitical events are featured in publications globally, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Reuters, MarketWatch,, The Telegraph, Forbes and—among many others. He also appears regularly in the financial media, programs on CNBC,Yahoo Finance and the Cheddar TV Network.
Aaron has written two books, including Own the World: How Smart Investors Create Global Portfolios. He holds undergraduate degrees in Geophysics from the University of California, SantaBarbara and Applied Economics from the University of San Francisco.
Professor David Lee
Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences
David Lee Kuo Chuen is a professor in the Singapore University of Social Sciences and Vice President of the Economic Society of Singapore. He is the founder of several entities including Libai Academy, the external advisor to Stanford University’s Distributed Trust Initiative, a Fulbright Scholar, and an Independent Director of listed and technology companies. He graduated with BSc, MSc, and PhD from the LSE in Econometrics. He was the Director of the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Group MD of OUE and Auric Pacific. He founded Ferrell hedge fund in 1998 and was a property developer. He has more than 60 cited articles and nine books on Asian economics, digital currency, blockchain, and inclusive fintech. His latest books are entitled “AI & Quantum Computing for Finance & Insurance: Fortunes and Challenges for China and America” and with Singapore Infocomm Media Development Authority “Artificial Intelligence & Data, and Blockchain in a Digital Economy”.