2017 marks the 60th anniversary of The Korea Society’s founding by Korean War commander, General James Van Fleet. The Korea Society’s original board was comprised of leaders from public service, arts, commerce and media. At the conclusion of the initial board meeting at the Waldorf Astoria, General Van Fleet welcomed broadcasting’s ranking member, Edward R. Murrow, as well as New York City’s Cardinal Spellman and other leaders to celebrate the creation of a society aimed at educating Americans on Kor ea.
Sixty years later, the Society provides dozens of policy, corporate, arts and culture programs annually for it members, public servants, analysts, business leaders, educators, students, veterans and a public interested in learning more about Korea. The Society opens its new doors at 350 Madison at 45th Street in midtown Manhattan in July 2017. Its lofty new environs suggest Korea’s rise on the international stage and feature an enlarged public event space, fine arts gallery, dedicated board room for roundtable sessions, and an outdoor terrace.
In September 2017, the Korea Society resumes its anniversary year program offerings and hosts its annual gala. Check out koreasociety.org for a full listing of “Celebrating 60” programs.