is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. Learn more about us here.

Korea’s Regional Relations and Global Korea
Join us for this discussion about the dynamics of U.S.-Japan-Korea trade relations and regional economic integration, featuring Asia Society Policy Institute Vice President Wendy Cutler, Waseda University Professor Emeritus and Economic Research Institute for East Asia and ASEAN Senior Research Advisor Shujiro Urata, and Korea Development Institute and Johns Hopkins University Professor Wonhyuk Lim. How can the three countries overcome obstacles to cooperate on shared challenges to achieve prosperity and… Read More
University of Missouri Assistant Professor and Institute for Korean Studies Co-Director Aram Hur, the 2021 Sherman Scholar award recipient, speaks on May 6 at 3 PM to Korea’s Changing National Story and Democratic Future. Hur addresses Korean nationalism, a “rapidly fragmenting and changing” national story, and the danger of democratic rollback. Senior director Stephen Noerper describes Hur’s selection and address as “incredibly important given the costs of such fragmentation in… Read More
Join us for a discussion on regional roles in building inter-Korean peace and unification with Columbia University adjunct professor Katrin Fraser Katz, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace senior research analyst Kathryn Botto, and Columbia University adjunct professor, Weatherhead East Asian Institute research scholar and Society senior director Stephen Noerper. Policy director Jonathan Corrado moderates the discussion, which enjoys the support of the UniKorea Foundation. Columbia University's Center for Korean Research… Read More

Korea and Sino-US Relations

Thursday, April 1, 2021 | 1:00 PM
Stimson Center senior fellow and China Program director Yun Sun and Asia Society Arthur Ross director of the Center for US-China Relations Orville Schell join senior director Stephen Noerper to discuss where Korea sits relative to China and US priorities. They explore China policy in the new US administration, alliances and expectations, and prospects for improvements or further deterioration in Sino-US ties. This program is made possible thanks to the… Read More

Evolving Roles of the UN in the Korean Peace Process

Thursday, December 17, 2020 | 10:00 AM
With a new US administration incoming and North Korea’s January Party Congress, there exists room for new and creative approaches toward the DPRK, to include the role of the United Nations. Join the former UN Undersecretary General Jeff Feltman, Carnegie Endowment’s Suzanne Dimaggio, and former UNC/CFC/USFK Commander General (ret.) Vincent Brooks, in conversation with NCNK Executive Director Keith Luse and Korea Society Senior Director Stephen Noerper, as they look at… Read More
Join the Society for a live webcast of the 2020 Sherman Family Emerging Scholar Lecture. The 2020 awardee is Sun-Min Park, a doctoral candidate at Harvard University, who discusses Architecture as Kisul (Science-Technology) in Postwar Korea: Building the Industrial Nation-State. Ms. Park addresses architecture’s relationship to state-led, large-scale industrial development in post-war Korea. Melany Park is completing her Ph.D. in the history and theory of architecture and holds Masters degrees… Read More

Indo-Pacific relations in the time of COVID19

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 | 2:30 PM
What impact is the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic crisis having now and going forward on the relationships between the U.S., South Korea, and India? How does it impact their respective visions for the future of regional institutions and relationships in the Indo-Pacific? What is the prognosis for U.S. and Chinese leadership -- and rivalry -- and how does this impact the region? Is a regional economic or security architecture… Read More

Korean Election Analysis

Friday, April 17, 2020 | 12:00 PM
Stanford University Professor Gi-Wook Shin joins Korea Society Senior Director Stephen Noerper for a timely breakdown of the April 15 Korean legislative elections. Professor Shin, Director of the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Director of Korean Studies, and William J. Perry Professor of Contemporary Korea, examines the voice of the electorate and impact of the National Assembly election results for the Moon administration and Korean politics. Due the novel coronavirus (COVID-19),… Read More
South Korea’s coronavirus response has been lauded for its integration of new technologies and aggressive trace-and-test measures. To help the international community understand this approach, a crowd-sourced team has translated Korea’s coronavirus playbook, a 90 page set of instructions made by the Korea Center for Disease Control advising local public health officials to plan for an array of contingencies. In this special podcast interview with Korea Society policy director Jonathan… Read More

Geopolitics of Coronavirus: Japan and Korea

Friday, April 10, 2020 | 12:00 PM
Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Japan Studies Dr. Sheila Smith and Korea Society Senior Director Dr. Stephen Noerper examine the political impact of the coronavirus outbreak in Japan and Korea, in conversation with Japan Society President and CEO Dr. Joshua W. Walker and with an introduction by Korea Society President Tom Byrne. In this live webcast program, co-hosted by the Japan Society and the Korea Society, the three… Read More
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