is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. Learn more about us here.

Kim Koo Professional Series Concludes a Fifth Class

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 | 12:00 PM
The Korea Society concluded its fifth class in the Kim Koo Professional Series in November 2017. The professional series brings together senior professionals from media, corporate and international organizations for intimate roundtable discussion with US thought leaders on Korea and Northeast Asia. The Fall 2017 class featured speakers Sue Mi Terry of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) on Washington's Korea policy; Russian professor Anna Kireeva on Korea-Russia… Read More


Have Olympic fever? You will. Curious about the first of the three successive Olympics Games in Northeast Asia beginning in 2018? Amazed by photos of PyeongChang ready to host the world? The Hon. Lee Hee-beom, President and CEO of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee, speaks to Korea Society members, media and other dignitaries in advance of the XXIII Winter Games. The day after a United Nations resolution… Read More

Trump in Asia

Thursday, November 9, 2017 | 6:00 PM
Pacific Forum CSIS President Ralph Cossa discusses President Trump's visit to Korea and East Asia, as well as the political and security landscape of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Cossa reflects on Trump's message on North Korea, concerns over missile and nuclear capabilities, and challenges to and opportunities for Korea-US coordination and trilateral cooperation. Senior director and Columbia professor Stephen Noerper facilitates this special news maker dialogue, which also… Read More
Will Russia play a constructive role in helping stem tensions around the Korean Peninsula? Or will it play the role of spoiler given a decline in US-Russia relations? How do the approaches of Moscow toward Pyongyang and Seoul square with those of Beijing? How is South Korea responding? Noted Russian professor Anna Kireeva speaks to dynamics in Korea’s relations with Russia and China, as well as Russia’s Asia pivot, as… Read More
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