is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. Learn more about us here.


Stanford University Director of the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, founding director of its Korean Studies program, and William J. Perry Professor of Contemporary Korea Gi-Wook Shin shares insights on rising anti-China sentiments in South Korea and their implications for the upcoming South Korean presidential election, as well as the US-ROK alliance. Professor Shin, in conversation with Senior Director Stephen Noerper, also explores these sentiments relative to Korean feelings toward Japan… Read More


In the first program of a new series chronicling the rise of global cooperation between the United States and Korea, Korea Society president and CEO Tom Byrne discusses supply chain resilience and semiconductors in conversation with Tami Overby, McLarty Associates Senior Director and former president of the US Korea Business Council, and John Neuffer, President and CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association. The program opens with remarks on the importance… Read More


The thing that really struck me was the grit and resilience of the people — they were in the process of recovering from a devastating war that displaced so many people. But the markets were crowded, people went about their business — things had to get done! They had to survive and thrive! … When I see Korea now and think back to that time, Korea’s success should come as… Read More


North Korea, Inc. and China

Thursday, September 9, 2021 | 12:00 PM
Harvard University Director of the Korea Project and Adjunct Lecturer John Park shares insights into recent North Korea developments and China’s interplay. Subsequent to the Moon-Biden summit and marking the anniversary of its mutual defense pact, the PRC and DPRK reaffirmed ties. Park, in conversation with Senior Director Stephen Noerper, sheds light on the implications for stability in Northeast Asia and implications for the US-ROK alliance. North Korea, Inc. and… Read More
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