Social Graphics: The Art of Jeski salutes the award-winning efforts of artist and social activist Jeseok Yi, who has wowed the design and non-profit communities with his thoughtful and often satirical works. Featuring fourteen of Korean-born Jeski’s works for organizations like the Red Cross, Salvation Army, World Vision, City Harvest New York, the American Disability Association and the Global Coalition for Peace, the exhibition provides sharp and insightful commentary on war, global warming, pollution, and other social concerns. Jeski stresses simplicity in messaging and encourages interaction between the design and the real world. His social graphics illustrate the power of creativity to inform, educate, and change society for the better. His efforts are a reminder of the vibrancy of Korean civil society, the strength of its NGOs, and Korea’s contribution to international efforts aimed at peace and social justice.
September 8-November 4, 2011
with Jeski
Artist and Social Activist