Through November and December, 2009, The Korea Society is screening episodes from Korean Ghost Stories, KBS' popular and long-running television series. Known in Korea as Hometown of Legend, the series has thrilled Korean audiences with tales of the supernatural since it began airing in 1977. Often drawn from ancient folklore, these tales of tortured ghosts and supernatural curses have a uniquely Korean feel, and as such, provide a look into how Korean culture views issues of justice, revenge, and the role of women in a Confucian society. As part of our screening program, Yuni Cho, senior program officer for film, prepared questions for Lee Min-hong, who directed several episodes of Korean Ghost Stories, including The Reincarnated Princess, which will be screened at The Korea Society on Thursday, December 17th. Director Lee discusses the popularity of the series, as well as what sets it apart from other Asian horror films and TV. This podcast is also available as a video on