is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) organization with individual and corporate members that is dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding, and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. Learn more about us here.

2024 KLP Language Course Listing for Interim Website

2018 korean-language-classes icon



Registration will open in Early December

Ten-week Courses

Most of these classes will be available in Winter 2025, and you can look forward to an updated schedule in early November.

Beginner Level - Regular Track

This course introduces you to the fundamentals of the Korean language. It covers the Korean alphabet (hangeul), provides ample practice using the present tense as well as approximately 12 additional elementary grammar points, and 80+ vocabulary words necessary for basic conversation, reading, and writing. Upon completion, you will be able to successfully read and write the Korean alphabet (hangeul), and communicate in the present tense in specific situations. Functionally, you will be able to briefly introduce yourself and others (name, nationality, gender, occupation, etc.), order at a restaurant, and be able to name, count and inquire about the ownership of a certain item.

Prerequisite: None

Textbook: I Love Korean 1
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course builds on additional basic conversation skills and vocabulary covered in Beginning Korean I. It covers 16 different grammar points, including the object particle, negations, counters, irregular verbs and adjectives. The course also covers 190+ vocabulary necessary for everyday conversation, such as discussing one’s schedule and making plans, shopping for groceries, and directions. Upon completion, you will be able to make suggestions about plans with someone. Functionally, you can have simple conversations about your daily life, be able to describe location and inquire about directions, successfully shop for groceries, and describe the weather in Korean.

Prerequisite: Beginning Korean I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam

Textbook: I Love Korean 1
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course is designed to further develop your basic Korean language skills and follows our Beginning II course. It covers the 21 new grammar points including past and future tenses and honorifics and 230+ vocabulary necessary for everyday conversation, such as introducing family members, shopping at clothing stores, sharing travel experiences, discussing your weekend plans, and going to the bank and post office. Upon completion of the class, you will be able to conduct elementary conversations, comprehend basic texts and write simple compositions in the following contexts: Asking for simple requests at the post office, making reservations related to travel, describing your hobbies and weekend plans, and being able to express how to compare styles and make exchanges when shopping.

Prerequisite: Beginning Korean II, Fast-Track Beginning I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Textbook: I Love Korean 2
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course is designed to further develop your basic Korean language skills and follows our Beginning II course. It covers 16 new grammar points including past and future tenses and honorifics and 150+ vocabulary necessary for everyday conversation, such as asking permission, giving advice and expressing your availability. Upon completion of the class, you will be able to conduct elementary conversations, comprehend basic texts and write simple compositions in the following contexts: Explain how to use travel via the subway, talk about life in Korea, describing your symptoms during hospital visits, and being able to make a phone call and order food over the phone.

Prerequisite: Upper Beginning Korean I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Textbook: I Love Korean 2
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Beginner Level - Fast-Track

This course is designed for students who are beginners but have some experience with the Korean language, e.g. from travel, work, or a home setting, and for those who are able to study Korean at a quicker pace. The course covers 28 elementary grammar points including ample practice with the present tense, prepositions and irregular verbs and adjectives, and 230+ essential vocabulary for basic conversation, reading, and writing. Upon completion, you will be able to communicate in the present tense in specific situations. Functionally, you will be able to briefly introduce yourself and others (name, nationality, gender, occupation, etc.), order at a restaurant, and be able to inquire about the ownership of a certain item. Moreover, you can have simple conversations about your daily life, be able to describe location and inquire about directions, and have brief phone calls in Korean.

Prerequisite: A preliminary basic understanding of Korean and grasp of the alphabet (hangeul).

Textbook: I Love Korean 1
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National Press

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $475

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course is designed for students interested in studying beginning level Korean at a quicker pace. As a continuation of Fast-track Beginning Korean I, the course provides additional basic conversation skills and vocabulary. It covers 40 grammar points, providing reinforcement of grammar covered in Beginning I as well past and future tenses and 350+ vocabulary necessary for everyday conversation, such as expressing obligation, providing excuses, and using honorific expressions. Upon completion you will be able to conduct elementary conversations, comprehend basic texts and write simple compositions in the following contexts: introducing family members with honorifics, using public transportation, asking for simple requests at the post office, making reservations related to travel, describing your symptoms during hospital visits, and being able to express how to compare styles and make exchanges when shopping. Successful completion of this course allows you to advance directly to our Intermediate 1 course.

Prerequisite: Fast-track Beginning Korean I, Beginning Korean II, or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Textbook: I Love Korean 2
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Munjin Media

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $475

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Intermediate Level

If you are registering for Intermediate Korean I, you should have knowledge of basic Korean, including an understanding of a limited number of irregular verbs and adjectives, the present, past and future tenses, honorifics, and polite speech style. In continuation to our beginning courses, this course adds 20 additional grammar rules such as conditionals and 250 new situational expressions relating to making plans and inquiries, expressing your past experience, your health, the workplace, and so on. Upon completion, you will be able to engage in more complex conversations, comprehend texts and write compositions in Korean in the following contexts: discussing your schedule during a holiday/break, inquiring about the living costs and conditions of a space, and sharing your experiences relating to travel and entertainment. In addition, you will further develop your abilities to discuss your employment background and your health.

Prerequisite: Upper Beginning Korean II, Fast-track Beginning Korean II, or equivalent ability as demonstrated on a placement exam.

Textbook: I Love Korean 3
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note:Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Expanding on Intermediate Korean I, this course introduces you to more advanced grammar and vocabulary as well as the information necessary to handle more complex cultural contexts. Intermediate Korean II introduces 16 grammar rules, such as casual speech, and 175+ new situation expressions relating to casual gatherings, holidays as well as incidents and accidents. It introduces casual speech and written speech. Upon completion you will be able to conduct straightforward conversations, deal with fixing a broken electronic, talk casually with someone, discuss life in Korea and describe certain holidays.

Along with this course, you may want to consider taking Intermediate Conversational Korean I.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Korean I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on a placement exam.
Textbook: I Love Korean 3
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note:Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Upper Intermediate promotes the active use of Korean in a variety of settings—at work, shopping online, daily chores like recycling, etc. As a continuation of Intermediate II, this course adds approximately 20 advanced grammar forms and 160 new expressions and vocabulary related to relaying information, sharing regrets, work life, recycling, and description of someone. Upon completion, you will be well-equipped for formal and informal speaking and reading tasks. You learn to comprehend and produce language for the following situations: relaying information to someone, speaking with an authority figure in the workplace, discussing consumer habits such as general shopping, and expressing your regret about something.

Along with this course, you may want to consider taking Intermediate Conversational Korean II.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Korean II or equivalent as ability demonstrated on a placement exam.
Textbook: I Love Korean 4
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Upper Intermediate promotes the active use of Korean in a variety of settings—at work, at an accident site, at the hospital etc. As a continuation of Upper Intermediate I, this course adds approximately 22 advanced grammar forms and 180 new expressions and vocabulary related to work life, accidents, visitng the hopsital, discussing anniversaries and dreams. Upon completion, you will be well-equipped for formal and informal speaking and reading tasks. You learn to comprehend and produce language for the following situations: interacting with colleagues in a workplace, relaying information about an accident, explaining various anniversaies, and expressing your future dreams.

Along with this course, you may want to consider taking Intermediate Conversational Korean II.

Prerequisite:Upper Intermediate Korean I or equivalent as ability demonstrated on a placement exam.

Textbook: I Love Korean 4
Seoul National University Language Institute
Published by Seoul National University Press

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Advanced Level

This course promotes the active use of Korean at the advanced level. Upon completion you will have acquired and used over 100+ advanced expressions, learned new high level grammar points and a variety of sentence patterns. Additionally, you will be more confident in reading authentic materials in Korean surrounding topics such as Korean folktales, history, environment and more.

Prerequisite: Upper Intermediate II or equivalent ability as demonstrated on placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: None. Materials will be provided in class.
Preview: You can preview the level of what the readings will be here and here.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course is designed to enhance your proficiency in reading news articles in Korean, with a focus on cultivating your active use of Korean in professional discourse across diverse news genres. Upon completion, you will develop a clear comprehension of current events in both local and global news, and empower you to confidently participate in dynamic discussions relating to current events. Furthermore, you will acquire a vast knowledge of high-level vocabulary and gain expressions to convey your own feelings and opinions when relaying information.

This is a course that can be taken multiple times due to there being new material each term.

Prerequisite: Advanced Korean or equivalent ability as demonstrated on placement exam.

Textbook: None. Materials will be provided in class.

Preview: You can preview the level of what the readings will be here and here.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Conversation Classes

Perfect for those who have been using language apps or with prior classroom experience, this upper beginning level course is designed to develop your conversational skills for daily life situations and to equip you with the skills needed to communicate on basic topics and with phrases that are essential for everyday life. While reviewing basic grammar, vocabulary, and expressions covered in Upper Beginning classes, you expand your conversational skills in real-world situations like expressing interests, sharing past experiences, making simple plans, and more. With a a focus on interactive speaking and listening exercises and splash of handouts and supplementary materials, this course is perfect for students with language skills in the upper beginning to low-intermediate range.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Upper Beginning Korean II. It can also be taken as an additional class for Upper Beginning II or Intermediate I students.

Prerequisite: Upper Beginning II, Fast Track II or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 1
Published by King Sejong Institute Foundation
Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395


If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This upper beginning level course is designed to develop your conversational skills for daily life situations and to equip you with the skills needed to communicate on basic topics and with phrases that are essential for everyday life. While reviewing basic grammar, vocabulary, and expressions covered in beginning classes, you expand your conversational skills in real-world situations such as introductions, sharing past experiences, making simple plans, and more. Additionally, handouts and other supplementary materials will be provided. This course is aimed at students with language skills in the upper beginning to low-intermediate range.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Upper Beginning Korean I. It can also be taken as an additional class for Upper Beginning II or Intermediate I students.

Prerequisite: Upper Beginning II, Fast Track II or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here

Textbook: King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 1
Published by King Sejong Institute Foundation
Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This intermediate level course is designed to develop your conversational skills for daily life situations and to equip you with the skills needed to communicate on basic topics and with phrases that are essential for everyday life. While reviewing basic grammar, vocabulary, and expressions covered in beginning classes, you expand your conversational skills in real-world situations such as dining out, making appointments, shopping, and making small talk. Additionally, handouts and other supplementary materials will be provided. This course is aimed at students with language skills in the low to mid-intermediate range.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Intermediate Korean I or Intermediate Korean II. It can also be taken as an additional class for Intermediate II students.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Korean I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 2
Published by King Sejong Institute Foundation
Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As a continuation of Intermediate Conversational Korean I, this course will help you develop listening and speaking skills by providing opportunities to listen to diverse examples of spoken Korean in a wide variety of situations and topics. By engaging in different listening and speaking activities, you will improve your pronunciation, consolidate your knowledge of grammatical structures, and expand your vocabulary. It is geared to students at the mid- to high intermediate range who want to specifically develop their listening and speaking skills. The class employs lesson materials and worksheets.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Intermediate Korean II or Upper Intermediate. It can also be taken as an additional class for Upper Intermediate students.

Prerequisite: Intermediate Korean II or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 3
Published by King Sejong Institute Foundation
Preview: You can preview this textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As a prerequisite to advanced-level conversation, this course is designed to elevate your intermediate conversational skills to the next level by diving deeper into specific topics. While refreshing key grammar, vocabulary, and expressions from Upper Intermediate courses, you'll engage in real-world scenarios such as discussing issues you're facing, sharing your emotions, talking about habits, and describing famous places. The course emphasizes enjoyable, interactive speaking and listening activities, supplemented with various handouts and extra materials. It's perfect for students with high-intermediate to low-advanced language skills.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Upper Intermediate. It can also be taken as an additional class for Advanced I students.

Prerequisite: Upper Intermediate or equivalent ability as demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 4
Published by King Sejong Institute Foundation
Preview: You can preview the textbook here.
Note: Text can be purchased online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This course, geared to advanced Korean language learners, develops oral communication skills by utilizing diverse media formats and creating opportunities for engagement. You will be exposed to Korean-language materials and presented with scenarios that facilitate active communication with the teacher and fellow students. The incorporation of current news, idioms, and dramas affords students the chance to learn how the language is used in a wide array of contemporary contexts. The aim of the course is to help you increase your cultural understanding, improve your pronunciation, consolidate your knowledge of grammatical structure, and expand your vocabulary. Additionally, this is a course that can be taken multiple times due to there being new material each term.

This course can be taken as a stand-alone course after Intermediate Conversation Korean II or Advanced Korean I classes. Or, it can be taken as an additional class for Advanced I students.

Prerequisite: Advanced Korean or equivalent ability as demonstrated on a placement exam.

Textbook: None. Materials will be provided in class.
Preview: You can preview some of the content from this class here and here.

Tuition: $395

If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Topic Based Classes

An effective way to learn Korean language is Hanja (Chinese characters) education. Learning Korean is easier if you know the meaning of Hanja. You will learn how to read and write Hanja, expanding your vocabulary words in the following areas: numbers, dates and days of the week, size and positions, directions, nature and people, body parts, colors and basic objects, and seasons and weather. You will gain the ability to write 89 characters and explore a wide variety of over 200 representative words in written Hanja. This class is a great opportunity for those who are longing to advance their knowledge of the meaning of Korean vocabulary through words which originated from Hanja.

This course can be a stand-alone class or be taken along with another course.

Prerequisite: Upper Beginning II or equivalent ability demonstrated on the placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: Useful Hanja for Learners of Korean
Publishered by Darakwon

Preview: You can preview this textbook here.

Note: You can purchase the text online from Hanbooks. Click here for further information on Hanbooks. The book usually ships in 5~10 business days.

Tuition: $395


If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you're a K-Pop fan curious about the meaning behind your favorite songs, then Korean Through K-Pop is perfect for you! Dive into the world of K-pop lyrics and expressions to boost your Korean language skills. Each week, you will explore a hit K-pop song, learn accompanying words and phrases, and even pick up trendy slang. Aimed at intermediate learners and up, this course is a lively and enjoyable way to immerse yourself into the world of K-pop while mastering the Korean language. Upon completion, you will be able to use culturally appropriate vocabulary and expressions to express yourself more clearly and effectively.

This course is for students with intermediate language skills, and can be taken as a stand-alone or, it can be taken as an additional class.

Prerequisite: Intermediate I or equivalent ability as demonstrated on a placement exam.

Syllabus: You can find the course syllabus here.

Textbook: None. Materials will be provided in class.

Tuition: $395


If you have any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..