Tales of Korea, Part 1B

Tales of Korea, Part 1B

The seven tales in this selection are appropriate for younger students (grades 1-5), and include: Grain of Millet, Green Frog, The Two Brothers, A Trick or Two, Princess Pyongkang and Ondal, Abandoning the Old Ones, and The Serpent's Revenge. This selection gives a glimpse of Korea and Korean values through the art of storytelling. For example,"Grain of Millet" demonstrates delightfully how cleverness with a little luck can turn into fortune. Other popular Korean themes presented include: filial piety, geomancy, diligence, kindness rewarded vs. greed punished, and revenge vs. gratitude. All of these stories are fun to listen to and are fun to learn from. For example, students gain insight into another culture through Korean animal sounds (Korean dogs bark "mong, mong," not "bow wow"), and learn a few vocabulary words from a talking turtle.

File Name: 06-09-2009-bosworth-s.mp3
File Type: audio/x-mp3
Hits: 742 Hits
Created Date: 01-18-2018
Last Updated Date: 01-18-2018